It begins with

Your goals

Increasing your financial knowledge

Taking action

Financial Education

  • What is Private Investing?

    Deal Evaluation

  • Asset Classes


    Portfolio Positioning

  • Deal-Level Advantages



  • Financial Readiness

    What it takes to come an accredited Investor

    What it takes to become a Qualified Investor

Goal Setting and Action Taking

  • Knowing where you are headed and why is the most powerful first step you can take to build your wealth.

  • Single Family Home investments, multifamily syndications, Trust Deed Notes, Self-Storage, Ground-up Development and many other investment classes abound. But where do you find them and how do you vet the deal?

  • We work one-on-one with our acceleration clients to coach and provide accountability so that you can accomplish your action plan leading to wealth creation.

Structure and Protection

  • Building your wealth is the first step and creating an asset protection plan is second We teach you our strategy and connect you to professionals to build out your own.

  • Insurance is the base of your asset protection strategy. We talk about the types of insurance that are necessary and coach your decision-making for your own assets.

  • Setting up corporate structures is a time-tested way to protect your investments. Running your corporations properly ensures the full protection of the corporate veil.

Who do we serve?

Meet Alex and Sarah

Alex and Sarah are not just focused on building wealth for the sake of it; they have a deeper motivation driving their financial aspirations. They are devoted parents to their two young children, and their ultimate goal is to create a life where they can spend quality time together as a family without financial stress looming overhead.

They prioritize their children's upbringing and want to provide them with the best opportunities in life. This includes ensuring access to quality education, extracurricular activities, and memorable family experiences. For Alex and Sarah, financial success isn't just about numbers on a balance sheet; it's about creating a nurturing and enriching environment where their children can thrive.

Their desire to structure their finances in a way that allows for ample family time is at the forefront of their decision-making process. They understand the importance of work-life balance and want to achieve financial independence so they can have the flexibility to be present for their children's milestones, from school events to vacations and everything in between.

By aligning their financial goals with their family values, Alex and Sarah demonstrate a holistic approach to wealth management. They see money not as an end in itself, but as a means to create a fulfilling and meaningful life for themselves and their loved ones. Their commitment to balancing financial success with family harmony makes them not just ideal clients, but also role models for others seeking to achieve similar goals.

Let me introduce you to Mark and Emily

Mark and Emily are a hardworking couple in their mid-40s who have poured their hearts and souls into building their small business. With a successful venture in the hospitality industry, they've dedicated long hours to ensure its growth and success.

Despite their good jobs and profitable business, Mark and Emily find themselves behind in their savings journey. Their focus on the business has left little time and energy to dedicate to financial planning and wealth accumulation. They often feel the weight of financial stress, especially as they juggle the demands of work with their desire to spend quality time with their children.

Despite their financial setbacks, Mark and Emily are resilient and determined. They recognize the need to make up for lost time when it comes to retirement planning. They are willing to learn and take proactive steps to improve their financial situation, seeking guidance on how to allocate their resources more effectively and create a roadmap for financial success.

“Financial stress weighs heavily on us, especially as we see our peers making progress towards their financial goals while we feel like we're falling behind. We long for a solution that will alleviate this stress and provide us with the financial stability and freedom we crave. Our dream is to create passive income streams that will allow us to step back from the day-to-day operations of our business and spend more quality time with our children. We want to break free from the cycle of trading time for dollars and achieve a better work-life balance.”

While they may be behind in their saving and investing journey, their entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to their family's well-being serve as powerful motivators for change. With the right guidance and support, they are eager to chart a new course towards financial freedom and a more balanced life.

Are we right for you?

This group IS for:

  • Clients meeting the SEC's criteria as Accredited Investors or striving towards that designation. This includes those with an annual income of $300K or more if married or possessing a net worth exceeding $1M excluding their primary residence.
  • People who desire to be a member of a community where helping others is a deeply held value.
  • People who want to build and grow their wealth.
  • People who want to give their best back to the world.
  • People who want to buy back their time by replacing time-for-money work with passive income.
  • People who are already successful and want to learn how to build a passive wealth business.

Important to know!

  • Our program is not cheap rather it is an investment in your financial future.
  • We do not do the work for you. 
  • The process takes effort.
  • Following the program will change your financial future.
  • Be ready to take action on what you learn.
  • This is your financial life, take ownership.
  • Support others in their journey.

How We Help You Grow

Single Family Home

Property Analysis, market conditions, cash flow projections, equity and cash reserves, forecasting capital repairs, analyze refinance and reinvestment opportunities.


Turnkey providers, realtors specializing in investment properties, insurance agents, property managers, mortgage brokers specializing in investment real estate, asset protection, cash storage, other professionals.

Foundational Investments

Initiate clients to the world of passive investing

  • Debt Instruments

  • Commercial Real Estate

  • Energy

  • Groundup Development